teaching & seminars
2024 fall term (oct – dec)
Reading Seminar on "String topology"
Tuesdays 11am, Room 383N, Stanford Math
Co-organizer: Eric Kilgore
Week 1 (Oct 14) Basics on free loop spaces (Ch. 1 in [LO15])
Week 2 (Oct 21) Hochschild homology and loop spaces (Ch. 4, §1-2 in [LO15])
Week 3 (Oct 29) Cyclic homology and loop spaces (Ch. 4, §3-4 in [LO15])
No session due on November 5 to Democracy Day.
Week 5 (Nov 12) Smooth, proper categories and Calabi-Yau structures (§1, §6 in [Gan22]; §2 in [Gan13])
2024 summer term (apr – jul)
Graduate Student Seminar on "Topological Persistence in Symplectic Geometry"
Tuesdays 11:45 am - 12:45 pm, Room 1.315 (Johann-von-Neumann-Haus, Berlin)
Main reference: arXiv:1904.04044
Co-organizer: Thibaut Mazuir
Aim: Discuss applications of persistent methods to problems in symplectic / contact geometry and dynamics.
Week 1 (April 16) Introduction to persistent homology / barcodes and discussion of topics (based on Ch.1 – 4)
Week 2 (April 30) Filtered Hamiltonian Floer homology, Hofer’s metric and the dynamical stability theorem — W. Zhang
Week 3 (May 07) Constraints on pth powers of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms (based on arXiv:1412.8277) — T. Mazuir
Week 4 (May 14) C0 symplectic mapping class group and barcodes (based on arXiv:2101.07878) — M. Guelen
Week 5 (May 21) Triangulation, Persistence and Fukaya category (based arXiv:2304.01785) — V. Majewski
Week 8 (June 11) Distinguishing Legendrian knots (based on arXiv:2312.09144) — D. Suchodoll
Week 9 (June 18) Symplectic homology: An introduction — M. Rothgang
Week 12 (June 25 July 9) Symplectic persistence modules (based on Ch. 9) — S. Faisal
Talk 13 (July 16) Topological data analysis — N. Weiss
There are no talks May 28 and June 4 due to conferences.